Master Shifu Quotes – Kungfu Panda Movie Shifu Quotes


Let us go to seeing the Master Shifu Quotes. Now we are providing Kungfu Panda Movie Shifu Quotes. In this article, you can see Kungfu Panda Movie Master Shifu Life changing Quotes for everyone. So don’t be late. Go fast to throughing the quotes.

Check here 10+ Best Master Oogway Present Quote

Master Shifu Quotes

  • There is now a Level Zero.
  • “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are.”
    ― Master Shifu
  • Inner peace… Inner peace…
  • “Well done, students—if you were trying to disappoint me.
  • “You know the hardest part of this? The hardest part… is cleaning up afterwards. [chuckles]
  • I have always been proud of you. From the first moment I’ve been proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming, what I was turning you into. I’m… I’m sorry.
  • “Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.”
    ― Master Shifu
  • You are not a monster… you’re just a little girl.
  • “If you keep on doing what you do, you will never be more than who you are right now.”― Master Shifu
  • Teaching kung fu is an art that takes years to master. Do not be disappointed if you have failed.
  • “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are.”
    ― Master Shifu
  • What goes on in your head I really don’t always understand, but what goes on in your heart will never let us down.
  • Mr. Ping: It’s good to see you, Master Shifu!
    Shifu: And it’s good to be here, Mr. Ping.
  • Shifu: [playing with action figures, imitating Master Yao] It was you who taught me friendship. And you taught me something, too. [imitating Yao] Really? And what is that?
    Po: Action figures? You’re playing with action figures?! That… is… AWESOME!! Hang on! Let me get mine!
  • Mastering chi requires mastery of self. Oogway sat alone in a cave for 30 years asking one question. “Who am I?” “Who am I?” I’m lucky if I get five minutes before you interrupt…

  • Shifu: These aren’t action figures! They’re artifacts! I’m simply dusting them off.
    Po: THIS is an artifact?
  • I’m not trying to turn you into me. I’m trying to turn you into you.
  • I’m not trying to turn you into me. I’m trying to turn you into you.
  • Kai… Kai… Kai… Nope, never heard of him.
  • Every master must find his path to inner peace.

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