Rural Development Sangstha (RDS) offers job biggopti RDS job circular 2021. The Rural Development Sangstha job Circular application 2021 is provided by Rural Development Sangstha NGO offers many RDS jobs in career 2021. You can see the all information on about The Rural Development Agency (RDS) is a national-level private development agency. Sherpur-Jamalpur, Tangail Gazipur District Property Heritage has been working for the overall development of a person. MRA NGO Bureau Member and Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation PKSF Financed Microfinance Program Panel for Public Jobs People Intelligent Dishonest Men and Women Residents of Dhaka-Mymensingh Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Applications are invited for the post. Credit Officer.
Rural Development Sangstha Job Circular 2021
Educational Qualification & and post name are Rural Development Sangstha job original circular image. In recently this is very good news for the RDS Job candidates who are looking for jobs in Bangladesh. You can see all of the details on and the RDS Job career 2021 post. is give details of the Rural Development Sangstha job circular 2021. Rural Development Sangstha NGO Job circular Apply process and job description check the bellow circular image.
RDS Job Circular 2021 –
Interested candidates should submit biodata, educational qualification and photography of National ID card, experience certificate, attested passport size photo, identity card, and handwritten application form during office hours between 30-9-2021 to deposit 200 taka.
Rural Development Sangstha job circular in summary:
Name of Non-Organization: Rural Development Sangstha (RDS)
Circular Posting Date: 13, September 2021
Post Name: Bellow the circular image
Circular Types: NGO Jobs
Age Limit: Maximum 22 to 45Years.
Total Number of careers: 80
Job Experience Requirements: check the circular image
Salary Range: 15,000 – 27,050 Taka
Job Educational Requirements: Graduate
Application Deadline: 30, September 2021
Official Website Address:
NGO Information: Rural Development Sangstha (RDA) , Address: 49, Gridanayayanpur, sherpur town, sherpur-2100.& Email:

RDS Job Circular Apply process 2021
So now share with you Rural Development Sangstha jobs applies process 2021. Jobs Secker, you can Online or send your CV to the bellow address of Rural Development Sangstha NGO corporation. When candidates apply to the Rural Development Sangstha NGO Job Circular 2021 please provide the job’s position name or post name. RDS Job candidate stay with all personal bio-data & sent to the right location.
Apply Instructions
Interested in the RDS job candidates are requested to apply under the mentioned address or E-mail address detailed C.V Visit the official website for details on application rules and other job opportunities. Further information can be collected directly at the following address Address for sending application: Executive Director, Rural Development Agency (RDS) 49 Grandma Nagarpur, Sherpur Town, Sherpur 2100.
আবেদনপত্র পাঠানোর ঠিকানাঃ নির্বাহী পরিচালক, রুরাল ডেভলপমেন্ট সংস্থা (আরডিএস) 49 গ্দ্দা নাগরপুর, শেরপুর টাউন, শেরপুর ২১০০।
Before the apply RDS Job Circular 2021, you should the read full circular. And apply for the RDS Job post carefully. To get the next update new Rural Development Sangstha jobs circular post. Our site posted the latest job circular in Bangladesh & all kinds of job results. Thank you for stay and Rural Development Sangstha job post-2021.
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