GST Admission Online Apply 2022 |

20 Public University GST admission online apply started at Now guccho admission 2022 apply online throw the official site link. Education (General, Science & Technology) 2021 22  Group of 20 B Public University, According to the steps taken by the forest for the interest in the future examination. Admission started 15 June, 2022 to lock down in bd last 10 days.

What is GST admission?
GST Admission exam for university admission is going to take place this year. Around 32 Public Universities are going to participate in this GST admission test system ( Usually in our country, every year after the HSC exam students prepare for their University Admission exam.

All University Admission Circular 2021 22

  • Primary Application Start: 15 June, 2022
  • Application End:  25 June, 2022
  • Application Fee: 600 Taka

    A Unit Admission Test Exam Date: 30 July 2022

    B Unit Admission Test Exam Date: 13 August 2022

    C Unit Admission Test Exam Date: 20 August 2022

  • Official Website:

list of 20 Public University/ guoco university Name

How many seats are there in GST admission?
A total of 1 lakh 31 thousand 905 candidates got the opportunity to participate in the test in 26 universities of different parts of the country against 12 thousand 491 seats. Earlier, Universities Integrated Admission Test Committee Published the GST Admission Circular 2020-2021 to participate in the admission test.

General University name
Serial No.University Name
01Jagannath University
02Islamic University
03Sheikh Hasina University
04Khulna University
05Comilla University
06Begum Rokeya University
07Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul University
08Barisal University
09Rabindra University
Science and Technology University name
Serial No.University Name
01Shahajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
02Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)
03Fazilatunnessa Mujib University of Science and Technology
04Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University
05Rangamati University of Science and Technology
06Bangabandhu University of Science and Technology
07Pabna University of Science and Technology
08Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST)
09Noakhali University of Science and Technology (NSTU)
10Mawalana Bhashani University of Science an0d Technology (MBSTU)
11Haji Danesh University of Science and Technology

Eligibility of guccho admission 2022

A Unit (Science group Eligibility ): A total GPA of 8.00 Eligibility. minimum GPA of 3.50 will be for each board exam of SSC & HSC.

Science (Unit A) Minimum GPA Required For Apply: 8.00
Arts (Unit B) Minimum GPA Required For Apply: 6.00
Commerce (Unit C) Minimum GPA Required For Apply: 6.50

B Unit (Arts group Eligibility): The candidate should total GPA 7.00 will need to apply. Where minimum GPA 3.50 will be for each board exam of SSC & HSC.

C Unit (Commerce group Eligibility): Candidate should total GPA 7.50 will need to apply. Where minimum GPA 3.50 will be for each board exam of SSC & HSC.

Online Apply Now

When you apply throw online GST online apply at Admission 2021 Apply online check now guoco admission 2021 22! Every applicant now 6th steps should given to up. provide you guoco admission 2021 22 online apply link website. This page also provides GST admission official information. You can easily apply the guoco admission 2021 22 Where GST University admission circular 2022, GST admission online form Fillup, GST admission online application process.

How to online apply guoco admission 2021 22

How do I pay GST admission?
You have to submit an application fee of Taka 500 for each unit in your own ID. And it has to be paid through mobile banking. Students will be able to pay this money through cash, bKash, Rocket. Once the money is paid, a student’s final application process will be completed through a confirmation slip for them.

Step-1: Start the click here online application baton.

Step-2: Fillup your forms SSC level / Equivalent HSC level Provide all (Roll number, registion, passing year)

Step-3: Mobile number conformation

Step-4: Mobile number pin verified

Step-5: Acknowledgement Slip download

Step-6: Collect your Acknowledgement Slip

How to gst admission Online Complain Tracking

GST Admission Admit Card Download 2022

Most of the candidates are waiting for gst admission admit card download at You know that gst admission admits card download time is 01 June to 10 June 2021. You can download your GST admission admit card download form

How many students apply to GST in Bangladesh?
From the initial applicants, 150,000 students will be selected for each unit. Only these selected applicants will be able to participate in the final admission test by making a final application.

GST Admission Result 2022

In lastly guoco university admission 20 public universities are want to check your GST Admission Result 2022. You can chack your GST Admission Result 2022 result online. Collect your user Id and password for check your result at

Finally, we are the last of this article. Don’t forget to follow us for all the latest updates. As a result, we have to say that, already you know everything about the GST admission 2022.  As the maximum number of students has passed in the HSC this year, the competition will be tougher than any other year. The online application process, eligible candidate list, admit card download and result. As well as the merit list of GST admission 2022.