Don’t Forget me Quotes, Messages, Wishes, Images

Don’t Forget me Quotes, Messages, Wishes, and Images all the collection here. Also find Forgetting Me Quotes on my website. Humans are only fallible. Humans are not above mistakes. People may misunderstand people. I can make the relationship terrible so don’t forget to improve this relationship message collection is given here.

Don't Forget me Quotes
Don’t Forget me Quotes

Don’t Forget me Quotes

Check also Alone No Friends Quotes, Status, SMS, Wishes

  • “Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”
    ― Brian Tracy
  • I don’t like being forgotten. I’m too pretty for that.
  • I want to set an example that will never be forgotten. – Author: Terry Fox
  • Just as there can be a hole in these narratives, a memoir can be as much about what’s forgotten as what’s remembered. – Author: Jane Alison
  • I’ve decided to forgive and forget. Forgive myself for being awfully stupid and forget that you ever existed.
  • I can already picture being pushed to the side and completely forgotten by him. It’s a sad thought.
  • How could you forget me? I thought you loved me too. You said we would be together forever and ever. I know life is hard, but surely we can get though this together? You keep forgetting about me and it hurts more than anything that has happened before. Just please remember that I love you and that I’m here for you.
  • “Do not allow me to forget you”
    ― Gabriel García Márquez,
  • “To be able to forget means sanity.”
    ― Jack London
  • How could you forget me? I loved you. I can’t bear to think of us as only a memory. It hurts more than you can know.
  • Forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you.
  • Fear. Blame. Don’t forget. Mom. I love you.
    -Lauren Oliver, Delerium – Author: Lauren Oliver
  • Life is a gift. Don’t forget to live it. – Author: Nicola Yoon
  •  Endure the storm, but don’t forget to enjoy the rainbow and the thunder. – Author: Debasish Mridha
  • Cancer is messy and scary. You throw everything at it, but don’t forget to throw love at it. It turns out that might be the best weapon of all. – Author: Regina Brett
  • How could you forget me? I thought we were two peas in a pod. You said you wouldn’t leave my side, and now you can’t remember that I even exist. Just because life is hard doesn’t mean that I’m going anywhere. Do you have any idea how much this hurts? It’s more than anything I’ve ever felt. I need for you to remember that I’m listening and that it isn’t always easy for me too.
  • Don’t forget to cherish all the things you love. – Author: Anonymous
  • I think you forget that I’m still alive. It’s like you don’t expect me to keep on existing now that I’m not in your life every day. – Author: Rachel
  • Higginson
  • I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to forget how much I love her. We start fighting, and … ” “Sisters. – Author: Kristin Hannah

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