Today Published Dakhil Routine 2023 at Madrasah Education Board provides a new ssc dakhil exam routine for 2023. The Dakhil exam student already from full-up started now exam date published by Madrasah education provide Junior Dakhil Exam, Dakhil Exam, And Alim exam 2023. Dakhil exam is equivalent to a secondary school certificate.
February 20, 2023, Schedule of Entrance Examination for 2023 For the information of all concerned, it is hereby informed that the entrance examination of the Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board for 2023 will be held as per the following schedule. Baird authorities may change this schedule for special needs. | Name and time of the subject.
বাংলাদেশ মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা বাের্ডের ২০২৩ সালের দাখিল পরীক্ষা নিম্নোক্ত সময়সূচি
২০২৩ সালের দাখিল পরীক্ষার সময়সূচি এতদ্বারা সংশ্লিষ্ট সকলের অবগতির জন্য জানানাে যাচেছ যে, বাংলাদেশ মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা বাের্ডের ২০২৩ সালের দাখিল পরীক্ষা নিম্নোক্ত সময়সূচি অনুযায়ী অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। বিশেষ প্রয়ােজনে বাের্ড কর্তৃপক্ষ এই সময়সূচি পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন।
The Education Minister of Bangladesh has recently announced that the SSC, Dakhil, and equivalent exams will commence from the 30th of April 2023. As a result, students are eagerly searching for their exam routines on the internet. Those who are waiting for the Dakhil examination routine can visit the official website of the Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board,, and, to get updates on the release of the Dakhil routine.
The official routine will be published on these websites, and students can download the Dakhil Routine PDF File from The routine will be available in different formats, such as JPF Image, PNG, and PDF. It is essential for students to keep themselves updated and follow the official websites for accurate and reliable information regarding their exams.
Download SSC Dakhil Routine 2023Masrasha board
Now the discussion the Dakhilexam Routine 2023Publishe today. Most of the students of Bangladesh people are looking at the exam routine 2023.
Dakhil Routine 2023 has been published in the Madrasah Education Board. Dakhil Routine 2023 on, the official website of the Madrasah Education Board. The dakhil examination is conducted by the Madrasah Education Board. There is only one madrasa education board in Bangladesh. Dakhil examination is equivalent to secondary school certificate. After the dakhil examination is over, the students can be admitted for the Alim examination in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Dakhil Exam Routine 2023 will be published on the same date and time while SSC Routine 2023 will be published. Sometimes they can publish it a day before and after. However, both exams will start on the same date and time. Although there are two different boards, both are being run by the Bangladesh Board of Secondary Education. The quality of both education is equal.

Dakhil Routine 2023 PDF DownloadMasrasha board
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board exam routine 2023. Now I will share the new exam routine. Wow, ever people are want to pdf file Dakhil exam routine download. Our website shares with you the Dakhil routine. So student thanks for stay with us.
There are three main stages of education system and institutions in Bangladesh: primary, insignificant education and higher education. All the information of SSC examination can be found in Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Education Dr. Nasima Sultana will publish the draft of the SSC examination from the Department of Education of Bangladesh on Tuesday.
Special instructions Dakhil Exam 2023
Due to Covid-19 overdose, the test will be held in accordance with proper hygiene rules. 2. Candidates must take their seats in the test room 30 (thirty) minutes before the start of the test. 3. Test time 1 hour 30 minutes. * There will be no break between the exams of both MCQ and CQ.
In case of examination to be held from 10:00 am. 09.30 am Distribution of unwritten answer sheets and multiple choice (OMR sheet). Distribution of multiple choice question papers at 10.00 am.
10.15 am Collection of multiple-choice answer sheets (OMR sheets) and distribution of creative question papers. 4. Candidates have to collect their admission forms from the head of their respective institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination. 5. Physical Education, Health Sciences and Sports (142) and Careers for Candidates for 2018-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 Sessions
Education (145) Matters The number of educational institutions obtained through continuous assessment as per the guidelines of NCTB will be provided to the concerned center. The institution will provide the numbers of the practical book (netbook) of their respective candidates and provide the numbers to the concerned center by 20/02/2023. Baird’s Website