Spoken English Dialogues For Beginners

Spoken English Dialogues For Beginners and How to spoken American English example here. In this article, i will try to give a current how Beginners speak English languages. So read below the dialogue items example for knowing spoken daily life English Dialogues For Beginners.

Spoken English Dialogues For Beginners

Today I will share awesome ideas for making the best quality dialogue importance of learning English writing tips and tricks. Visitors can see also the importance of learning English dialogue in class 5 and the importance of learning English dialogue for class 10 examples on my website.

(A universal greeting that works for every conversation.)
(A neutral and friendly greeting.)
(An informal and relaxed greeting.)
(This is quite formal and rare these days, but could be used humorously among friends.)
(A casual greeting that’s not commonly used, but can add some flavor to your English.)

Easy Dialogues In English For Beginners

Mr. Akash: Hello! Aiyub. How are you?

Aiyub: I’m fine and you.

Mr. Akash: Fine. Where are you going now?

Aiyub: I am going to market.

Mr. Akash: Oh! Good.

Aiyub: Ok. See you later then.

Mr. Akash: Ok Bye.

Formal greetings
For a more formal way to greet someone, use the model “good + [time of day]”:

Good morning!
(Reserved for any time before noon.)
Good afternoon!
(Typically used between noon and 5-6 p.m.)
Good evening!
(Any time after 6 p.m.)

There are several ways to ask someone how they’re doing:

How are you? / How are you doing?
How’s it going?
(More informal.)
How are things?
What’s up?
(Very informal.)

Dialogue about how to go to school tomorrow.

Mr. Akash: Hello! Aiyub. How are you?

Aiyub: I’m fine and you.

Mr. Akash: Fine. How will you go to school tomorrow?

Aiyub: I am going to Buss.

Mr. Akash: Oh! Good.

Aiyub: Ok. See you later than School time.

Mr. Akash: Ok Bye.

Dialogue Conversation Between Teacher and Student

Teacher: Hi, how are you doing?

Student: I’m good. How are you?

Teacher: I’m good, too. Did you do your homework?

Student: Yeah, I did it.

Teacher: OK, good. Let’s get started then.

Conversation Between Teacher and Student About Homework

Teacher: Hi, how are you doing?

Student: I’m good. How are you?

Teacher: I’m good. Did you do your homework?

Student: Yes, I did.

Teacher: Good job! Now, let’s move on to the next lesson.

Easy English Conversation with two friends

Aiyub: How’s it going?

Mr. Akash: I’m doing well. How about you?

Aiyub: Never better, thanks.

Mr. Akash: So how have you been lately?

Aiyub: I’ve actually been pretty good. You?

Mr. Akash: I’m actually in school right now.

Aiyub: Which school do you attend?

Mr. Akash: I’m attending PCC right now.

Aiyub: Are you enjoying it there?

Mr. Akash: It’s not bad. There are a lot of people there.

Aiyub: Good luck with that.

Mr. Akash: Thanks.

English Conversation between Ayub and Mr. Akash

Mr. Akash: Hi. Aiyub.

Md. Aiyub: Mr. Akash. Good to meet you!

Mr. Akash: Did you just arrive here?

Md. Aiyub: Yeah, We arrived last week.

Mr. Akash: How do you like it?

Md. Aiyub: It’s exciting! It’s much busier than the last city we lived in. I was working in Seattle for the last 3 years.

Mr. Akash: It really is very busy. I moved here from Tokyo 5 years ago and I still have trouble sometimes. Did you move here with your wife?

Md. Aiyub: Actually, I’m not married. I moved here with my dog, Charles. We are very close.

Mr. Akash: Oh. I see.

Md. Aiyub: What about you?

Mr. Akash: Yes, I am married and I have two children.

Md. Aiyub: How old are they?
Mr. Akash: 6 and 8 years old

Md. Aiyub: Oh, great. That age is a lot of fun.

Mr. Akash: But it is exhausting.

Md. Aiyub: I understand. My brother has kids the same age. Every time we visit he falls asleep on the sofa.

Mr. Akash: Must be nice. We don’t have time to sleep, we have to drink a lot of coffee.

Right now you know that there are lots of benefits to learning English. By the way, Learning a new language is always a great idea and opens lots of opportunities. Mostly 2 billion people are speaking English today. So, start learning the English language to compete with the challenging world. For more CLICK HERE.