Hogwarts Legacy – How to Become a Poacher?

Welcome to our guide on how to become a skilled poacher in Hogwarts Legacy! This article will discuss about How to Become a Poacher, like Nifflers, Unicorns, and Boggarts, while avoiding dark wizards who seek to steal them for their nefarious purposes.

How to Become a Poacher

To begin your journey as a Hogwarts poacher, you must first complete a series of quests that will enable you to capture wild animals using your NabSack. Once you’ve caught your prey, you can keep them in the Room of Requirement. It is crucial to examine your map and locate areas where the beasts are frequently found to maximize your earnings.

If you wish to succeed in the poaching business, it is essential to expand your Vivarium to accommodate more animals. You can then sell your magical loot to Brood and Peck in Hogsmeade, earning hundreds of Galleons in the process.

We hope this guide has been helpful in your quest to become a successful poacher in Hogwarts Legacy. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!