BBS Cables job circular 2021 is recently published by The BBS Group job circular noticed a new one today. Career opportunities are available at BBS Cables. Bangladeshi people can apply for this Vacancy. Only BBS looking like an Educational Qualification, Job Experience, Age Limit update by Cables has published today a large job vacancy on their official website. The BBS Group is a large group of companies in Bangladesh.
BBS Group job circular 2021
All information of Bangladesh cable industry job circular given by our site. You should visit our post properly. BBS Cables offered huge jobs post and attractive salaries, others benefits. Please check the full Details BBS Cables job circular given below in the image. BBS Cables Also fresher are encouraged to apply for some position. If you refer your friends to the BBS Cables jobs circular they also can apply if they have the required academic qualifications and experience.
BBS Cables Job Circular 2021
We publish the attached BBS Cables job circular 2021 in an image file. Before apply BBS Cables Please see that they are asking for some experience for job positions. You can offer a chance to your friends about BBS Cables job post if they are qualified and they can apply for any job position.
BBS Cables Job Summary :
Name of Company: BBS Cables
Application Published Date: 13, September 2021
Post Name: Assistant Manager (Finance), Assistant Manager (Accounts), Senior Executive (Accounts)
Job Type: Company Jobs
Age for job: Circular image
Educational Qualification: Post Graduate
Total number of Post: N/A
Salary: Negotiable
Application Deadline: 30, September 2021

Click here all post details & Online Apply Now
BBS Cables Job Circular Apply Process 2021
Above Description of BBS Cables are undoubtedly good and job opportunity in any of these group is also a good chance for you. BBS Job Circular 2021 is published today and the job apply link is open now. Don’t be late to apply Interested HR & Administration Dept., BBS GROUP. Configure Bepary Tower (3rd Floor), Ga/64 Middle Badda, Progoti Swarani, Dhaka – 1212 on or before 30th September 2021.
Our site is a popular education portal and job circular website in Bangladesh. try to publish different BBS Cables many vacancies such as government jobs circular news, private jobs, Bank Jobs circular and international jobs information, career tips and tricks, public and jobs exam results, etc. thank for with us.