akij web do – ডিলারের জন্য কিভাবে আবেদন করতে হয়?

Now we are explaining akij web does in Bangladesh. The Akij group of companies is the most popular and common factory in Bangladesh. Akij makes all of the products in the use of home and abroad. So if you are a dealer in this company then find some of the rules below.

Open your web browser and go to the akij web do website. The akij web do website address should be provided on our website. Now you can akij web do page on my website. If you do not have an account with akij web do. Go to the akij web do homepage, and look for a “Sign Up” or “Register” button.

When you will want to the akij web do registration page. akij web do page Fill in the required information like your name, email address, and any other details then the registration form.

akij web do

Check your email inbox for the password reset email from akij web do. Follow the instructions provided in the email, which is akij web do a link to a password reset page. Click akij web do on the password reset link and email to access the password reset page.

Sure, here are the requested 15 titles, links, and descriptions for AKIJ web:

1. AKIJ Group – Official Website
Url: https://www.akij.net/
Description: Explore AKIJ Group’s official website to discover their diverse range of businesses, including textiles, tobacco, ceramics, and more. Stay updated on their latest ventures and initiatives.

2. AKIJ Motors – Automobile Manufacturer
Url: https://www.akijmotors.com/
Description: AKIJ Motors is a leading automobile manufacturer offering a wide range of vehicles, including motorcycles, scooters, and electric bikes. Visit their website for product details and dealership options.

3. AKIJ Food & Beverage Ltd.
Url: https://afbl.akij.net/
Description: AKIJ Food & Beverage Ltd. is a renowned name in the food and beverage industry. From snacks and beverages to dairy products, their website showcases their premium offerings and distribution networks.

4. AKIJ Plastics Ltd. – Plastic Products Manufacturer
Url: https://www.akijplastics.com/
Description: AKIJ Plastics Ltd. specializes in manufacturing high-quality plastic products for various industries. Their website provides insight into their product catalog, production capabilities, and client testimonials.

5. AKIJ Ceramics Ltd. – Ceramic Tiles Manufacturer
Url: https://www.akijceramics.com/
Description: AKIJ Ceramics Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of ceramic tiles, sanitarywares, and bathroom fittings. Their website showcases their extensive range, design inspirations, and dealer network.

6. AKIJ Printing & Packaging Ltd.

Url: https://www.akijprinting.com/
Description: AKIJ Printing & Packaging Ltd. offers innovative printing and packaging solutions for businesses. Discover their capabilities, services, and previous projects on their website.

7. AKIJ Textile Mills Ltd. – Textile Manufacturer & Exporter
Url: https://www.akijtextile.com/
Description: AKIJ Textile Mills Ltd. is a prominent textile manufacturer and exporter, ensuring top-notch products and services. Explore their website for information on their manufacturing facilities and certifications.

8. AKIJ Jute Mills Ltd. – Jute Goods Manufacturer
Url: https://www.akijmills.com/
Description: AKIJ Jute Mills Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of jute goods and diversified products. Their website provides an overview of their jute production process, eco-friendly initiatives, and product range.

9. AKIJ Particle Board Mills Ltd.
Url: https://www.akijparticle.com/
Description: AKIJ Particle Board Mills Ltd. specializes in manufacturing particle boards utilizing advanced technology. Visit their website for product specifications, applications, and certifications.

10. AKIJ Match Factory Ltd. – Matchstick Manufacturer
Url: https://www.akijmatch.com/
Description: AKIJ Match Factory Ltd. is the largest matchstick manufacturer in Bangladesh. Their website showcases their product range, quality control measures, and social responsibility initiatives.

11. AKIJ Cement Company Ltd.
Url: https://www.akijcement.com/
Description: AKIJ Cement Company Ltd. is a leading cement manufacturer and supplier in Bangladesh. Explore their website to learn about their production process, quality standards, and distribution networks.

12. AKIJ Securities Ltd. – Stock Brokerage Firm
Url: https://www.akijsecurities.com/
Description: AKIJ Securities Ltd. is a trusted stock brokerage firm offering a wide range of financial services. Discover their investment options, research insights, and client resources on their website.

13. AKIJ Education & Research Limited
Url: https://www.akij.edu.bd/
Description: AKIJ Education & Research Limited is dedicated to providing quality education and research opportunities. Visit their website to explore their institutions, programs, and scholarship offerings.

14. AKIJ Steel Mills Ltd. – Steel Manufacturer

Url: https://www.akijsteel.com/
Description: AKIJ Steel Mills Ltd. is a leading steel manufacturer in Bangladesh, producing a diverse range of steel products. Their website showcases their modern facilities, product specifications, and certifications.

15. AKIJ Foundation – Corporate Social Responsibility
Url: https://www.akijfoundation.org/
Description: AKIJ Foundation focuses on corporate social responsibility initiatives, contributing to community development and welfare. Learn about their projects, partnerships, and impactful initiatives on their website.

akij web do কিভাবে কাজ করবেন?

When you log in to your web pages you can see these items in the below pages. All of the options are needed for your dealer persons. So check the bellow your all option and function.

  • Order Entry.
  • Active Order.
  • product info.
  • Undelivered.
  • Damage entry.
  • Damage Approve status.
  • MR status.
  • Cancel do.
  • Hidden do.
  • Incentive offer.
  • Complain.
  • Change password.
  • Log out.

akij web do ডিলারের জন্য কিভাবে আবেদন করতে হয়?

আপনি যে টাকা জমা দিবেন প্রথম দিন থাকবে MR এ পরে যাবে balance এ আপনারা একটু খেয়াল করবেন যখন company এর কাছে কোন product কিনতে যান তাহলে Dilar সাহেব এর টাকাটা হবে ,- 502‌ অর্থাৎ আপনি -502 টাকায় মাল কিনতে ‌‌‌‌‌‌পারবেন।

আর যদি company ডিলার এর কাছে‌ পেয়ে থাকে তাহলে কোন চিহ্ন থাকবেনা । অর্থাৎ -502 এর – থাকবেনা। তারপর order entry তে গিয়ে আপনারা আপনাদের নাম সিলেক্ট করবেন SR Assign এ । তারপর দেখবেন আপনার নাম সিলেক্ট হয়ে গেছে । তারপর আপনি item code এ যাবেন। item code এ ক্লিক করার পর item quantity দিবেন ।

code দেয়ার পর মাল যদি available থাকে তাহলে একটি information আসবে তা আপনি আপনার phone এর স্কিনে দেখবেন ।আর যদি কোন , information না আসে তাহলে বুঝা যাবে মাল available নেই। তারপর active Order এ যাবেন active Order এ ক্লিক করলেই ডিউ টি Company এর কাছে চলে যাবে।


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